Elliott Zelinskas

Elliott Zelinskas

$10,000 Per Month Selling Test Prep

Meet Elliott Zelinskas

To kick things off here at Course Founders, I’m interviewing myself to share my story of how I was able to leave my full-time job as an elementary teacher, while passively earning more than twice my teaching salary through an online course I created. Read the story below!


Hi there! I’m Elliott, and I created RicaTest.com, where I help people pass the RICA Test to become a credentialed Elementary Teacher in California.

What's the story behind making the course?

RICA Test is an exam that I had to pass to become a licensed teacher in California. I took and failed this test two times. After the second time, I took a closer look at the exam preparation materials that I was using to study for the test, and realized that the study guides I bought didn’t cater to my preferred learning style. 

In order for me to learn best, I need visuals, diagrams, and interactive elements – like online practice tests and such to help recall all the info that I needed to pass the exam. So, for my third attempt at taking the test, instead of studying with the traditionally published material, I made my own study guide that was filled with pictures and highlights that made learning the content much easier and faster.

When my test result came back that I passed, and therefore became a licensed teacher in California, I showed the study guide that I made to my friend, who said, “I’d buy that.” A lightbulb clicked, I made RicaTest.com in a weekend, and it’s been making sales organically ever since.

What's the tech stack that powers your online course?

The website is built in WordPress, I use ThriveCart for the check out, and ThriveCart’s Learn+ course software builder to host the course. I use Canva to make all the study guide visuals. Deadline Funnel is used to create urgency, and Active Campaign is used for email marketing. Also, most of my videos are hosted using Vimeo.

Course format




Average monthly revenue

$9,500 – $12,500

Which pricing strategy do you use?

One-time payment

What's your marketing strategy

Organic SEO through Google search is most important, but a large portion of people also find my test prep videos on YouTube. I also put a bit of funds into Google Ads to continuously run.

Lesson and advice for other course creators, or people who'd like to create a profitable course in the near future?

Face your challenges head on, and turn your pain into profit.

Where can we find more of you or your brand?

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